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Saturday, October 2, 2010
DBMS MostLikly Questions
Module 3:
I Answer the following questions (Short type):
1. What is an Entity?
2. What is an Attribute?
3. Mention the types of Attributes.
4. What is ER Model?
5. What is Conceptual database design?
6. What is Logical database design?
7. What is Physical database design?
8. Define Entity type.
9. Define Entity set.
10. What is a Domain?
11. What is Tuple?
12. Define Relationship.
13. Define Relationship type.
14. Define Relationship instance.
15. Define Relationship set.
16. Give an example for one-to-one relationship.
17. Give an example for one-to-many relationship.
18. Give an example for Many-to-one relationship.
19. Give an example for Many-to-many relationship.
20. What is a Degree of Relationship?
21. Define Binary Relationship.
22. Define Ternary Relationship.
23. What is a Roll Name?
24. When a relationship is said to be recursive?
25. Mention the types of Structural constraints.
26. Define Cardinality ratio.
27. Define Participation.
28. What is Existence dependency?
29. What is a Weak Entity Type?
30. Define the following;
a) Fundamental Entity
b) Associative Entity
c) Attributive Entity
d) Key Attribute
e) Multivalued Attribute
f) Derived Attribute
31. What is an Abstraction?
32. What is Generalization?
33. What is Specialization?
34. What is Aggregation?
II. Answer the following (Long type):
1. Explain the role of high level conceptual data models for database design with a neat diagram.
2. Explain Requirement collection and analysis phase of database design.
3. Explain the differences between the Logical design and Physical design.
4. Explain the various types of Attributes with an example.
5. Differentiate between simple and composite attributes.
6. Differentiate between single-valued and multi-valued attributes.
7. Differentiate between simple and composite attributes.
8. Differentiate between stored and derived attributes.
9. Explain the cardinality ratio constraint of relationships.
10. Explain the degree of a relationship.
11. Explain the binary and ternary relationships.
12. Explain Participation constraint on relationship types.
13. What are the Roll names in recursive relation ship? Explain with an example.
14. Explain the ER notation used for various constructs used in database schema.
15. Explain the types of Abstraction.
16. Explain Tuple, domain, attribute with an example.
17. Explain different conventions used in ER model.
18. Construct ER diagram for a COMPANY database.
19. What are the components used in ER model?
20. Draw on ER diagram for a company schema containing the following entities
21. Explain the extended ER features with a neat diagram.
22. Explain relationship. Give example for one-to-one and one-to-many relationships.
23. What are the symbols used in ER diagram? Consider the database containing the following ORDER and ITEMS.
(i) A customer can place many orders
(ii) An order can have many items.
Design an ER schema with suitable attributes for this application and draw an ER diagram for that schema. Specify key attribute for each entity and relationship.
24. Construct an ER diagram for a Bank database. Each bank can have multiple branches and each branch can have multiple accounts and loans.
I Answer the following questions (Short type):
1. Define Buffering.
2. Define Double Buffering.
3. Mention the different types of Storage devices.
4. Define Primary storage.
5. Define Secondary storage.
6. Give an example for Primary storage.
7. Give an example of Secondary storage.
8. What is Cache memory?
9. Expand the following:
(i) DRAM (ii) EEPROM (iii) WORM (iv) DVD (v) CD-ROM
10. What is a Record?
11. What is a File?
12. What is Seek Time?
13. What is Rotational delay or Latency?
14. What is Block transfer time?
15. What is Buffering of Blocks?
16. Define Block.
17. What is inter block gap?
18. Define Blocking factor.
19. Define Record type.
20. Define Data type.
21. What is Fixed length record?
22. What is Variable length record?
23. What is Record Blocking?
24. What are Spanned records?
25. What are unSpanned records?
26. What is Contiguous allocation?
27. What is Linked allocation?
28. What is Indexed allocation?
29. What is a file header?
30. List out the different operations performed on a File.
31. Define File organization.
32. What is Access method?
33. Mention the types of Files.
34. What is a Heap file?
35. What is a Pile file?
36. What is a Sorted file?
37. What is Hashing?
38. Mention the different Hashing techniques.
39. Expand RAID.
40. What is a RAID?
41. What is a Data striping?
42. Mention the types of Data Striping.
43. What is Storage Area Network?
I. Answer the following (Long type):
1. Explain the hierarchy of computer storage media.
2. Explain the various secondary storage devices.
3. Explain the structure of hard disk with a neat diagram.
4. Write a note on Buffering of blocks.
5. Differentiate between spanned records and unspanned records.
6. Explain various methods of allocating blocks of a file onto a disk.
7. Explain any seven file commands.
8. Differentiate between static and dynamic files.
9. Explain ordering.
10. Explain indexing.
11. Mention any two applications of Heap file.
12. Explain the operations of insertion, searching and deletion in heap files.
13. Explain the organization of unordered file.
14. Mention any three advantages of ordered files.
15. Explain searching, insertion and deletion operations in ordered files.
16. Explain internal hashing.
17. What is collision? What are the methods adopted to overcome collision?
18. Explain Open Addressing method of Collision resolution.
19. Explain chaining.
20. Explain Multiple Hashing Techniques.
21. Explain external hashing.
22. Differentiate between Static Hashing and Dynamic Hashing.
23. Explain Extendible hashing.
24. Explain Linear hashing.
25. Differentiate between Bucket splitting and Bucket doubling
26. Explain RAID technology.
27. What is Storage Area Network? List out its advantages and limitations.
28. Discuss the techniques for allocating file blocks on disk.
29. What is disk pack? Explain.
30. Explain hashing technique in detail.
Module 5:
I. Answer the following Questions (Short Type):
1. Define Entity Integrity.
2. Define Referential Integrity.
3. What is Database Design?
4. Mention the two approaches of Database Design.
5. Mention the two levels of Relation schema.
6. List the database design guidelines.
7. What are prime non-prime attributes?
8. When can NULL values be used in tuples?
9. What are the problems that can arise with NULL values?
10. What is data redundancy?
11. What is decomposition of relation schema?
12. What is Normalization? What are the types of normal forms?
13. List the properties of Normalized relations.
14. Give the general definitions of 2NF and 3NF.
II. Answer the following Questions (Long Type):
1. Explain the CODD Commandments.
2. Explain Integrity Rules.
3. Explain Relational model constraints.
4. Briefly explain the different database design.
5. Explain Design guidelines for relation schemas.
6. Explain Informal measures of quality for relation schema design with Illustration.
7. Explain Functional Dependencies with an example.
8. Explain 1NF, 2NF.3NF with an example.
9. Explain Transitive dependencies with an example..
10. Explain Boyce Codd Normal form with an example.
11. Explain 4NF with an example.
12. Explain 5NF with an example.
Normalisation - Exercises
Exercise 1:
An unnormalised staff relation in a software company has the following structure.
Some data entries have been given as illustrations. Each programmer works at his own workstation computer on a number of software programs. Each particular program is written in one language.
Programmer | ProgrammerNumber | Workstation | Make | Program Number | Language |
Smith | 0016 | X194 | IBM | CS01 | Java |
Smith | 0016 | X194 | IBM | CS43 | Java |
Smith | 0016 | X194 | IBM | CS213 | V Basic |
Patel | 1005 | L29 | Siemens | HS57 | VBasic |
Patel | 1005 | L29 | Siemens | HS82 | Java |
- What are the problems likely to arise in this structure?
- Indicate the functional dependencies in the Staff relation. If you need to make further assumptions you
should state them clearly. - Obtain a set of Second Normal Form relations from Staff.
What problems remain with these Second Normal Form relations?
Exercise 2.
A software company has constructed a relational database to keep track of its computers. Most of the computers remain on the company’s premises, in which case a list of projects that are authorised to use the computers is maintained. (Some specialised computers may be shared by several projects. A project typically requires access to several computers). The database must also record the members of staff assigned to each project. A member of staff is assigned to only one project at a time. Some computers are loaned to members of staff for use at home. Faculty equipment is sent to the supplier for repairs.
Unfortunately, the database was designed by someone with very little knowledge of relational theory. This person decided to hold all information in a single table with the following schema:
Equipment(Mach_Num, Type, Manf, Mod_Num, On_Prem, Location,
{P_ID, P_Name, Mgr_ID, Start_Date, End_Date, Auth_Period, {Staff_ID, Staff_Name, Staff_Room}}, On_loan?, Staff_ID, Staff_Name, Staff_Room, For_Repair?, Fault, Supp_ID, Supp_Name, Supp_Add, Supp_Phone)
Repeated groups are enclosed in {}. The meaning to be attached to individual attributes is given below:
- Mach_Num A unique identifier for each computer.
- Type PC, Mac, Workstation etc
- Manf, Mod_Num The name of the manufacturer and the model number.
- On_Prem? Yes if on premises; No otherwise.
- Location Room Number, if on premises.
- P_ID, P_Name ID and the name of the project
- Mgr_ID Staff ID of the project manager
- Start_Date, End_Date Start and end dates of the project.
- Auth_Period The period during which a project is authorised to use the equipment. Note that this may or may not coincide with the entire duration of the project
- {Staff_ID, Staff_Name, Staff_Room } The ID, name and room number of the staff member to whom the equipment is loaned.
- For_Repair? Yes, if the machine is away for repair; No otherwise.
- Fault Fault description, if the computer is away for repair.
- Supp_ID, Supp_Name, Supp_Add, Supp_Phone ID, name, address and telephone number of the supplier.
Decompose the above relation into 3NF relations, taking care to identify primary and foreign keys in all relations.
Exercise 3.
The Computer department of a large university has decided to provide students with a document that lists the various types of programming skills they have picked up on the course and the level they have reached in each. The table below shows the attributes that need to be stored about each student along with some sample entries.
Student_Email | Name | Address | Course | Course Director | Skill_id | Skill_Name | Skill_date | Skill_Level |
D96abc | Jones | 6 Old Manor | Computing | Paul | 22 | Prolog | 2/4/99 | 6 |
D96abc | Jones | 6 Old Manor | Computing | Paul | 23 | Java | 1/3/99 | 5 |
D96cde | Stewart | 4 Coach Rd | Business | Thompson | 33 | Prolog | 3/5/99 | 8 |
D96xyz | Rodgers | 1 New Row | Business | Thompson | 16 | Pascal | 1/3/99 | 4 |
The Skill_id is a number that is unique for each skill, but the skill name is not. The Student_Email is also unique for each student.
Students taking computing modules may come from outside courses such as Business. This information along with the course director responsible is also recorded. There is a single course director for each course, but a member of staff can be course director for several courses.
Each programming skill that a student has been tested on is recorded with the date that the test took place and the skill level reached. The test may be repeated, but only the latest result is to be stored. Thus if Jones retakes the Prolog test then only the date and level attributes would be updated.
- Explain, using the above example, the problems that may occur when insertions deletions and modifications are made.
- Identify all functional dependencies among attributes. If you decide that the information given is not sufficient for determining all functional dependencies, make whatever assumptions you think are necessary but state them clearly.
- Define first, second and third normal forms
- Decompose the above example into 3NF, taking care to identify primary and foreign keys in all relations.